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  1. Using examples, SWBAT distinguish and make connections between digital drawings techniques including light painting, virtual reality drawing, and digital animation correctly.  Blooms-Understand, Standards-observe and learn to comprehend, GLE- Historical and cultural context are found in visual art, Art Learning- Art and Culture, Literacy.

2. Using prompts, SWBAT plan at least three sketches that reflect light, motion, and space that communicates a narrative, dream/dream scape, or an emotion.    Blooms- Analyze, Standard- Envision and Critique to Reflect, GLE- Art and design have purpose and function, Make judgments from visual messages, Art Learning-Ideation, Literacy.

3. Using tilt brush, SWBAT create a work of art that incorporates space, movement, and light that reflects a narrative, dream/dreamscape, or conveys an emotion using at least three different brushes.  Blooms-Apply, Standard- Invent and discover to create, GLE- Demonstrate competency in traditional and new art media, and apply appropriate and available technology for the expression of ideas, Art learning- Materials tools and techniques, expressive features and characteristics. Technology, Numeracy

4. Using cameras, SWBAT create three cohesive series of at least three light paintings using light and motion that show collaboration and connection. Blooms-Apply, Standard- Invent and discover to create, GLE- Demonstrate competency in traditional and new art media, and apply appropriate and available technology for the expression of ideas, Art learning- Materials tools and techniques, expressive features and characteristics. Technology, Numeracy.

5. Using finished art work, SWBAT explain artistic intent behind both light paintings and tilt brush artwork that describes how they incorporated narration, emotion, or dreamscape through use of light motion and space. Blooms- Evaluate, Standard- Relate and Connect to Transfer, GLE- Communication through advanced visual methods is a necessary skill in everyday life, Art Learning-Critical Reflection/transfer, Literacy. 


Roxanne McClarney

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