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Teaching Philosophy

 It is essential for teachers and student artists to work together. My role as an Art educator is to create a learning environment that addresses the needs of diverse learners and to provide a classroom that encourages creativity and risk taking. The teacher should act as a facilitator to help guide the students into making connections with their own life in their work. 

Understanding that there are many different ways of learning art is crucial to setting up a lesson plan. Not every student learns in the same way and being able to set up a classroom that is centered around creativity and risk taking allows students to work without bounds. I will create a safe environment and place more emphasis on process rather than product. It is my belief that through experiences in my class, students will come to know the importance of the visual arts in today’s society and how it contributes to every aspect of our daily lives.

My name is Roxanne McClarney, I am a recent graduate Colorado State University in art education. I currently live in Fort Collins Colorado but am originally from St. Louis Missouri. My concentration is sculpture, but I truly love and appreciate all art forms.  One of my first experiences that transformed the way I viewed art was with my Drawing 1 teacher in college. I previously believed that to be an artist you have to be born with this talent and skill, and that only some people possessed. Through my time in college and life experiences I have learned that art is not a product, its a way of thinking. Everyone has the ability to be creative if they are willing to take a risk. 

Student Art Through the Years


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