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Being able to teach two lessons at Fossil Ridge High school has been an experience that has allowed me to grow as an emerging art educator. Working in both drawing and sculpture allowed me to make connections with students who had a variety of strengths, and abilities. I felt through this experience I was able to grow and learn from my students just as much as they have learned from me. Its my personal belief as an art educator to allow students to experiment, and take risks which fosters creativity and innovation. within my lessons we explored positive and negative space in drawing one, while in sculpture we worked with creating high and low relief plates that showcased students personal stories. The students did a fantastic job pushing themselves, to create dynamic work that engaged their audience, I am proud to have worked and learned along side them. 

Standard 1

Demonstrates mastery of and pedagogical expertise in content


​ELEMENT A: Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their district’s organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students.


​ELEMENT B: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, disciplinary inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices and specialized characteristics of areas disciplines being taught.


​ELEMENT C: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices.

Summary: Teacher should be able to demonstrate concepts accurately and demonstrate their knowledge of their content area.



Example One:

Powerpoint Negative

Space, and Clay Concepts






Example Two:

Student Final Positive and Negative space



For understanding and demonstrating content knowledge I chose to showcase the clay and positive and negative space PowerPoint as well as including a picture of student examples of their final product. When constructing a lesson plan, I take a lot of time and energy into making sure the students are interacting with the content in a variety of ways, this allows higher order thinking. When tackling core concept like positive and negative space that is technique intensive, I want students to go outside of their comfort zone and explore how these techniques are utilized in other areas. I would consider myself proficient on this standard because I try to create my own content, and take my own philosophy of taking risk to heart. I know that through continuing my career I will become advanced in this standard. I know in the future I can become advanced in this teacher standard by linking mathematics, and incorporating further literacy skills. I will always be willing to further push the different concepts of art and make sure they link back to state standards. 


 Standard 2

Establishes a safe, inclusive and respectable learning environment for a diverse population of students 


​ELEMENT A: Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and efficient use of time ins which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers.


​ELEMENT B: Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, a commitment to and respect for multiple aspects of diversity, while working toward common goals as a community of learners.


​ELEMENT C: Teachers engage students as individuals, including those with diverse needs and interests, across a range of ability levels by adapting their teaching for the benefit of all students. â€‹ELEMENT D: Teachers work with families and/or significant adults in the lives of their students.

Summary: Teachers need to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all students to provide them with the best education possible.

Example One

Welcome to design one, as we begin our journey together we are going to explore the principals and elements of art and design. As future artists and creators we are going to experiment with a variety of materials to advance our knowledge. What I expect from you is dedication to learning new creative problem solving, a good attitude toward new projects and experiences, and to push past your own limits to take risks.

Example Two
  • Participation-   Be Respectful to both yourself and to others

    • Come to class ready to learn, this means having all supplies with you at the start of class.

    • If at any point you need to use the restroom, take a walk, get water, etc. Ask at an appropriate time and a pass for five minutes will be given to you. If you are gone longer than ten minutes you will be marked absent.

    • Drinks with closed containers such as water bottles will be allowed in the studio.

Headphones and cellphones can be used ONLY FOR MUSIC purposes with the understanding that headphones are to be removed during any lectures, presentations, demonstrations, or at the teacher's request. Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges. 


For creating a safe environment, students and teachers need to work in unison to establish culture that meets the needs of each individual student. This means as a teacher setting standards and working with students to create and environment that respects creativity, and individuality. I will be the first to admit that I am still developing in this standard. I believe this has a lot to do with understanding group management, I notice I thrive with one on one interactions. When constructing my second lesson plan I wanted to have the lesson be student centered by having students work with each other in group work, and having more assessments were students had to describe their processes. The students thrived by having more input within their own work, and were more inclined to participate when they felt their opinions were taken into consideration. 

Standard 3

Plans and delivers effective instruction and creates an environment that facilitates learning for students


​ELEMENT A: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students


​ELEMENT B: Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction.


​ELEMENT C: Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage student in high level thinking skills.


​ELEMENT D: Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use processes, such as questioning, to support the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills


​ELEMENT E: Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in terms and develop leadership qualities


ELEMENT F: Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language.

Summary: Teacher should be able to communicate their expectations as well as demonstrate it.

Example One

Expectations during lesson planning is easier with implementation of learning targets. With these targets students know what is to be expected out of each day, and what they should be focusing on within their project.  For this target I would categorize myself as a developing art teacher who can incorporate more assessment tools. Workin on differentiation for both students that are advanced and developing with help me as a teacher to provide quality instruction that challenges each student. I feel behind on the second lesson with incorporating differentiation with my advanced students at the begging, though toward the end of the lesson began to remedy this problem. I had students work at higher levels, and with different materials so that they felt appropriately challenged. This was just one of the ways I chose to incorporate differentiation through my second lesson plan. 

Example Two

 Standard 4

Reflect on professional practice 


​ELEMENT A: Teachers link professional growth to their
professional goals.


​ELEMENT B: Teachers can respond to a complex, dynamic environment.

Summary: A teacher should always be professional with their students and respond to things correctly.


Example One

Fossil Ridge conducts a weekly meeting on Wednesdays in the pac, teachers and administration come together to discuss a variety of topics. For the meeting, I attended two teachers spoke of how to incorporate activity into the classroom. Their PowerPoint demonstrated the importance of including activity, as well as recourses that showed teachers where they could sign up for classes that showcased these skills. Though the initial topic was interesting, it was at the end of the meeting where teachers showed a video of the underfunding in all of Colorado. A history teacher gave a speech on the importance of attending the march on the capital. This was a moving and well-planned speech that left a bitter sweet taste in my mouth. It was motivating to see teachers standing together to take a stand against underfunding in education. It is times like this that make me excited to become a teacher, and to participate in events such as these. 




Reflecting on professional practice is a strategy that every teacher should run through every day. The way to grow as a professional, and as a person is to learn from mistakes and grow. As an educator I am developing, and proficient at this standard for a variety of reasons. First, I am always utilizing meta-cognition to review what went well and what did not work within a lesson plan. I believe this has helped me to change strategies that were unsuccessful and implement new ideas that might work in the future. Though I am not afraid to reflect on my past practice, I do believe that in the moment being able to think on my feet and changing at a drop of a hat will help lessons go from a bad day to bad hour. In this example I recorded one of my many reflections through out the semester, though I believe the work of reflection can be best seen in my changes to lesson, and unit plans. 

Example One

Demonstrating leadership within 450 can best best be seen with the community project. As a team both teachers had to work collaboratively to provide a lesson that applies to a multitude of contents. I would rank my own leadership qualities as proficient, because of my willingness to work with others. With this project specifically I found how difficult it was to make rubric guidelines that apply to multiple contents. I would also like to revisit this project to have students work side by side through the whole project as opposed to just the final project. This is a standard that I believe can be further improved upon by incorporating community involvement.


 Standard 5

Demonstrates Leadership


​ELEMENT A: Teachers promote professional growth for all educators and collaborate with their colleges to improve the school community and the teaching profession


​ELEMENT B: Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.

​Summary: All teachers need to collaborate with one another to create a great educational experience for everyone.. 

  1. What two dispositional areas do you feel very comfortable with and why?


  •  Demonstrates sensitivity to other’s feelings and opinions while articulating own opinions, feelings and needs 

  • Is collaborative: willing to share resources, seek advice and work towards common goals 


Both of these dispositions are areas in which I feel very comfortable. Working collaboratively is where I believe I thrive because I love working with others. I find that working with others allows me to expand creation, and be able to work more closely with my students. I also am highly aware of being sensitive to students needs, what ever they may be. If there is one thing I am decent at it is expressing how I feel exactly when I feel it. In the future I will continue to work on keeping professionalism in tact when articulating my opinions. 


2. What is one dispositional area you want to focus on during your student teaching semester? 


  • Proactively addresses feedback through an adjustment in performance 


This is a disposition I will continue to work on and adjust through out my student teaching. I am still working on being flexible through my lesson planning. When a teacher has brought up a situation that needs to be addressed I am often hesitant to be quick to action. I know That part of being an educator is being able to think on your feet, which I will continue to perfect through out the fall semester. 


3. Any other thoughts about Professional Dispositions related to you being a successful educator





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